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No new posts VenomRage
Red Alert 2: Yuri's RevengeA new Total Conversion that brings to life to 2 new factions emerged into an intense war that takes place years after the Soviet invasion. Earth had many countries some time ago, but now it is divided by only two. Who will reign as the Earth's Ultimate Supremacy?
Moderators: Cranium
Sub-forums: No new postsVenom, No new postsRevengeForce, No new postsCivilians, No new postsScreenshots, No new postsMaps, No new postsDiscussion
36 1047 Long Range Missile bar...
Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:08 am
Cranium  View latest post
No new posts CABAL's Legacy
Tiberian Sun GDI and Nod had united their forces in an attempt to wipe out the renegade AI once and for all. They had succeeded. What they didn't know was that before his destruction CABAL had managed to activate five prototype Cyborg Commander units. Now the merciless machines have only one goal: resurrecting their fallen master...
Moderators: [TiberianFuture], [TiberianPast]
Sub-forums: No new postsGlobal Defence Initiative, No new postsBrotherhood of Nod, No new postsComputer Assisted Biologically Augmented Lifeform, No new postsCivilian & Other, No new postsCampaign, No new postsImages, No new postsDiscussion
50 251 CABAL's Legacy looking...
Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:10 pm
Holland  View latest post
No new posts Frontline Chaos
OpenRA It is the year 2037. All armies of the entire globe lie in ruins and the world is dominated by the sinister M-Tec Corporation and its private army. Only a few organized rebels are still left, fighting under one banner against the oppressor. It's time to finish the fight.
Moderators: Dutchygamer
Sub-forums: No new postsFrontline Chaos General Information, No new postsLegion, No new postsRevenant, No new postsMiscellaneous
86 398 Frontline Chaos - A Fa...
Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:33 am
NimoStar  View latest post
No new posts Colony Wars
Yuri's RevengeWe thought we killed them all. But we were wrong, The Giant Ants have returned from hiding and now are engaged in a conflict pitting the Allies,Soviets & Yuri and now The Colony under one great battle. Commander, Help decide the fate of the world in your hands.
Moderators: Atomic_Noodles
Sub-forums: No new postsAlliance, No new postsSoviets, No new postsThe Syndicate, No new postsColony, No new postsMiscellaneous
299 1345 Corroder Ballista
Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:23 am
MasterHaosis  View latest post
No new posts Command & Conquer: Crisis
Yuri's RevengeC&C:Crisis is a total conversion which features a war for Euroasian supremacy.
Moderators: Deformat
Sub-forums: No new postsNews, No new postsFor OpenRA, No new postsFor Yuri's Revenge
11 66 CnC:Crisis released!
Fri Apr 07, 2023 4:23 pm
GREEN  View latest post
No new posts World Domination
Yuri's Revenge with AresWorld Domination takes in year 2020 after the meltdown of Ukraine Crisis that leaves the entire world in disarray and the escalating of World War 3. The rise of U.S.S.R under Putin's command accelerated the war, bringing America and Europe Union to the frontier of the war. President Spencer, the 50th U.S President is determined to finish off Soviet Union for once and all. Will you support U.S.S.R and restore the glory of Soviet Union? Or, will you command Allied Forces and stop U.S.S.R before it gets out of control? Choices are your, Commander. [ModDB Profile]
Moderators: Zero18
Sub-forums: No new postsAllied Nation, No new postsSoviet Union, No new postsMiscellaneous, No new postsNews Operations Center
126 1443 Obelisk [2-4]
Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:59 pm
Zero18  View latest post
No new posts Tiberian Dawn Xtended
Tiberian Dawn Tiberian Dawn Xtended (or just TDX) is an inofficial expansion pack for C&C 95/Gold, that will bring truckloads of new, high-quality missions and multiplayer maps as well as several balance improvements and eventually some additional features.
Moderators: Reaperrr
8 408 First public release o...
Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:53 pm
Reaperrr  View latest post
No new posts Global Crisis
Yuri's RevengeThis modification is set after the Allied victory over the Soviet Union and years after the arrival of tiberium on Earth. In 2015, The Allies are the main tiberium farmers, exploring large tiberium fields that devastated many ecosystems in the whole world. In the other side, there are many doubts if Russia is a savior by attempting to destroy the fields all over the third world or if they may have other interests. Choose your faction and the fate of humanity. [Facebook Page]
Moderators: Global Crisis Moderators, HG_SCIPCION
Sub-forums: No new postsAllies, No new postsSoviets, No new postsTerrain, No new postsCivilian Assets
19 296 Stuff
Tue Aug 15, 2023 9:39 am
Deformat  View latest post
No new posts Echilon: The War for Terra Nova
Yuri's Revenge To be announced...
Moderators: Aro, daTS, FurryQueen
Sub-forums: No new postsNews and Updates, No new postsThe Federation of Calistania, No new postsThe Conglomerate, No new postsThe Novus Ordo, No new postsThe Setting: Terra Nova
30 165 Pulse Cannon (T1 Defen...
Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:09 am
Atomic_Noodles  View latest post
No new posts Tiberian Dawn: Renegade
Yuri's RevengeExperience Tiberian Dawn like never before. With new units and a complete design overhall, Tiberian Dawn : Renegade puts a new spin on an old classic.
Moderators: Regulus
Sub-forums: No new postsGlobal Defense Initiative, No new postsBrotherhood of Nod, No new postsCivilian Indentification Index, No new postsBattlefield Reconnaissance Imagery
31 297 Tiberian Dawn : Renega...
Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:36 pm
GREEN  View latest post
No new posts Tiberian Sun: Lost Relic
Yuri's RevengeSet after Cabal's defeat in Firestorm, both GDI and Nod had a time off, but Nod has big plans to take over the world. Use this forum to discuss it, read all announcements, provide suggestions, etc.
Moderators: Vefbl4
Sub-forums: No new postsDI, No new postsNod, No new postsCivilian-Neutral, No new postsOther, No new postsUnused Assets
28 507 Production art
Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:09 am
Deformat  View latest post
No new posts Tiberian Dusk
OpenRA Tiberian Sun Dusk recreated as a mod for OpenRA, just as much hardcore badassery, history and awesomeness as the original, and so much more.
Moderators: Mortecha
1 17 What was Dusk?
Sat Mar 18, 2017 1:14 am
Team Black  View latest post
No new posts The Desolated Future
Yuri's RevengeWhat if GDI and Nod failed to defeat CABAL during the Firestorm Crisis? Now that he reigns supreme, The Forgotten are fighting to save the last of mankind from his machinations. As Tiberium consumes the Earth, the Scrin arrive to reap what they sowed, unwittingly thrusting themselves into a war between men and machines. Is this the Tiberian future that Kane promised? How will you shape this future?
Moderators: freedom fighter
Sub-forums: No new postsCABAL, No new postsThe Forgotten, No new postsScrin, No new postsOthers, No new postsIdeas & Suggestions
123 160 Watch Tower
Mon Oct 07, 2024 4:03 pm
freedom fighter  View latest post
No new posts YR: Zero Hour
Yuri's RevengePrepare your weapons technology against the worlds most powerful generals. 15 Generals, with new Weapons of Mass destruction that can level you to the Ground. [View Site] and [ModDB Profile]
Moderators: - geno -
Sub-forums: No new postsYR:ZH News
26 128 [Allied] Air Force Com...
Sun Oct 03, 2021 9:13 am
- geno -  View latest post
No new posts Death Label
Generals: Zero Hour Death Label is a total conversion for Zero Hour that has Space Colonists, a superior Alien Race and, the remnants of what was of Earth's shattered United Nations. Discuss it here. [ModDB Profile]
Moderators: precision_bomber
Sub-forums: No new postsMythos, No new postsArmory, No new postsDocumentation
8 16 Help Wanted: AI Scripters
Tue Feb 14, 2017 6:35 pm
precision_bomber  View latest post
No new posts Chronoshift
Official forum for the Chronoshift project. Chronoshift is a open source re-implementation of the C&C Red Alert engine. Written from scratch in C++. [View Site], [Twitter] and [Facebook Page]
Moderators: Blade, CCHyper
Sub-forums: No new postsNews and Updates
6 41 Project Update: Octobe...
Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:43 pm
CCHyper  View latest post
No new posts Tiberian Sun: Fading Dusk
Tiberian SunTiberian Sun: Fading Dusk continues the C&C storyline after the events of the Firestorm Crisis. It takes place roughly one year after the apparent destruction of CABAL at combined GDI and Nod forces, and will be introducing a number of new elements to TS while still striving to retain the classic 'look and feel' of Tiberian Sun.
Moderators: Askhati
Sub-forums: No new postsGDI Forces, No new postsNod Forces, No new postsForgotten forces, No new postsCABAL
38 94 GDRR
Fri Apr 07, 2023 7:41 pm
GREEN  View latest post

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