Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:16 pm Post subject:
(TS) Ion collectors as Oil derricks (like RA2)
I've used Lin Kuei Ominae's "Ion collector" as oilderrick in map. it seems perfect for TS's form of RA2's oil derricks
It makes for very interesting gameplay in TS, so far many people online really enjoyed it. Rampastring's Spawn patch and Give Credits trigger make so much possible, and this is just a glimpse of it. It's been tested on 3 maps so far, and has potential to be added on standard maps as well, just for fun. On these test version, the Ion Collectors will give you 100 credits every 10 seconds, and some power. Its a nice bonus, and even if you can keep your collector for 50 (tibsun) seconds, after its being hijacked by someone else, you at least have your engineer money back, and had the ability to build next to it. Of course the entire building is modifiable, right now its immune, can't be sold and you only need 1 engineer to capture it. (despite multi engineer)
This is a nice map i found from the mod "The Second Tiberium War", just cuz i thought it was so pretty, i added them there to test and its a pretty smooth 1v1 gameplay
This map are 2 more with these are in the attachments below. Note that these still have the testing 100$ per 10 seconds, and lots of power. in This tutorial on the other hand, reduced to $85 and little power.
Since it takes a big load of triggers to create the oil derrick logic, i figured to make it easier on everyone else, and provided a simple way to get them in your map. It is to simply copy paste the trigger codes in your map file. And attach the triggers (in Final Sun) to the building. (I also added a second approach in the attachment RAR file, using XCC_INI_CLT)
[b]; If you already have triggers, Just copy paste the content under Tags, Events, Triggers, and Actions below your existing ones.
; This content includes [Houses], make sure you don't double copy it[/b]
01L10002=Neutral,01L10020,attach to Oilderrick#1,0,1,1,1,0
01L10004=Spawn1,<none>,Oilderrick#1 - spawn1,1,1,1,1,0
01L10006=Spawn2,<none>,Oilderrick#1 - spawn2,1,1,1,1,0
01L10008=Spawn3,<none>,Oilderrick#1 - spawn3,1,1,1,1,0
01L10010=Spawn4,<none>,Oilderrick#1 - spawn4,1,1,1,1,0
01L10012=Spawn5,<none>,Oilderrick#1 - spawn5,1,1,1,1,0
01L10014=Spawn7,<none>,Oilderrick#1 - spawn7,1,1,1,1,0
01L10016=Spawn6,<none>,Oilderrick#1 - spawn6,1,1,1,1,0
01L10018=Spawn8,<none>,Oilderrick#1 - spawn8,1,1,1,1,0
01L10020=Neutral,01L10022,Oilderrick#1 Captured by 2 ,0,1,1,1,0
01L10022=Neutral,01L10024,Oilderrick#1 Captured by 3 ,0,1,1,1,0
01L10024=Neutral,01L10026,Oilderrick#1 Captured by 4 ,0,1,1,1,0
01L10026=Neutral,01L10028,Oilderrick#1 Captured by 5 ,0,1,1,1,0
01L10028=Neutral,01L10030,Oilderrick#1 Captured by 6 ,0,1,1,1,0
01L10030=Neutral,01L10032,Oilderrick#1 Captured by 7 ,0,1,1,1,0
01L10032=Neutral,01L10162,Oilderrick#1 Captured by 8 ,0,1,1,1,0
Save, Open Final Sun and Attach #Oilderrick1 to your oilderrick building!
To Change the amount of credits, Select all copied lines under Actions, Replace all: ,85, replace with ,youramount,
To change the delay between credits, select everything under Events, Replace all: ,10 replace with ,youramount
(Using notepad++ you can select columns holding ALT
Now to add your Charge Collector, copy these codes in your map, if you already have mods or imported rules.ini in your map, then make sure you don't double up on [Animations] and [BuildingTypes] (YOU CAN SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU USE A DIFFERENT BUILDING)
Make all the edits you want, there is a trigger that stops the money going when building is destroyed by C4. Use BridgeRepairHut=yes to avoid C4
; Make sure you use Notepad's 'replace all' function (ctrl+f) And check "In selection only", AND ofcourse, if you mess something up just use CTRL+Z (undo)
If you want to make something similar, first make sure the client you use is updated with the latest hacks, so it will include being able to use Spawn locations in triggers, activating it by adding the [Houses] list in your map as listed in the code. Plus the give credits should be in the hack too. (TS-Client should have this, but have not tested this yet)
To create a "give credits" trigger, you have to make sure you have the right edits in FSData.ini in the Final Sun folder. Under [Actions] number 106 should be:
106=Give Credits...,0,2,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,Give credits to a specific house.,1,0,106
Make this change and save if its not there.
The triggers have been created with Final sun's, under Edit> trigger editor (with disabled beginner mode under Options), using 8 repeating triggers with events "Entered by" with spawn1 as parameter in the first triggers, spawn2 in the next, etc. all with Action "enable trigger", enabling each their own Trigger, the "give credits" loop, and also 7 disable all other houses credits loop. So the give credits loop need another 8 repeating triggers, Using event Time elapse, and action give credits. Make sure you have all the triggers options owner set to Neutral and repeating. Then you attach the "entered by spawn1" to your oil derricks, and in that same trigger's options attach the"entered by spawn2" trigger, and in that trigger attach spawn3, etc.
You can download one of the maps i attached here, to check it out yourself and see how the trigger's work.
So this how to create 1 single oil derrick and its logic, its alot of clicking i know, so I've used PTapioK's amazing time safer software "TSWaveMaker" To clone all the triggers use its ascending parameters to quickly clone them. But You could probably copy paste them (under lists actions, events, tags, triggers) and simply change the ID's (I use Notepad++, using holding alt and select the colomn i wanna change, then go to edit> column editor, that way you can quickly change a list of ID's)
Using 2 different editor on the same file could delete your work. So Always make sure you Reload the file Each time you made an edit. Using a software like notepad++ will always ask you to reload it, Final sun does NOT.
If this will crash its possible that the client you're using isn't up to date, for this is tested and working in CnCnet.
I Made each oilderrick's trigger ID to start with "01L1", and the second "01L2", etc. so you should not have any trigger duplicates
And once again, if you already have triggers, you have to cut/copy all content under [Tags],[Triggers],[Actions],[Events] or use my alternate way i used in the RAR attachment file
Using triggers can always crash untested, and so its smart to test every little thing first. Or ever smarter, get a coach that knows alot about final sun. Me, Ptapiok, Humble, Skylegend, and many others don't mind helping you on on the discord sever if you have any trouble what so ever.
OTHER THEN ALL OF THAT, COPYING ALL CODES UNDER [Tags],[Triggers],[Actions],[Events] will most likely work (on CnCnet for sure).
I've allowed myself to set the images to be displayed with 640 width for devices with smaller screens.
As for this tutorial, please make it an actual tutorial.
A tutorial describes how things work. This is just a promotion for ugly online maps and a wall of unreadable code, which when copied into maps might even break them due to duplicate IDs (what if my map has already a trigger 01555060). You could have renamed them and insert a single letter to avoid this, as FinalSun uses numbers only for newly created triggers/scripts/teams etc.
Why do you added all the Fake Houses? Adding houses in MP-maps doesn't even work IIRC.
What is the trigger action you used? A big "Note: works with TS Client only" would be also helpful, not only a mentioned footnote in a text describing the awesomeness of oil derricks. Right now there is surely the occasional newbie trying this in vanilla TS and then complaining this doesn't work.
Why does it work?
How does it work?
Which steps do i have to follow to create my own oil derrick from scratch? What if i want to use a different building?
What problems might occur?
Do i need a trigger/action/script etc for each player? (obviously yes, as i checked the wall of code, but a newbie mapper would have no clue why and how)
Ty lko, i'll be on those points when i reach my pc. I just copied it from cncnet forum, mainly for my fellow mapmakers there. Didn't think about it. So the ID's can have a letter as well? Thats cool QUICK_EDIT
I think this is interesting. Even if the code isn't fully "explained" anyone could edit it. And I thought the maps were simple examples, not "promotion".
Not everything has to be so negatived... _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Alright i made the changes that were pointed out by LKO. I know its not the best explanation lol, im not using pictures and stuff like a real tutorial indeed. So thanks for making the proper suggestions and actions LKO! I was oblivious that noobs could try to make it work. Now i can update it on cncnet as well.
NimoStar i also agree with you. I guess my excitement of my discovery that copying triggers into a another map actually works, made me blind of these issues. It was coming from a quick copy paste after a long hard day, unconscious, oblivious, so i didn't take responsibility. Also, from a martial arts teaching and parenting viewpoint, expecting a lot from someone will help him grow. Positive reinforcement; addressing and showing the right way; complimenting whats right, is mostly the right way of teaching. And so i gotta adress the 0 out of 5, that wasn't very motivating, lol. QUICK_EDIT
MP houses can be used for trigger events? I remember that it isn't possible.
Or have TS Client some hack for it?
Bittah Commander wrote:
Even if you do that, there's no event to identify which player captured/entered the structure (Iran's Spawn# houses don't work with events), which means you still can't reveal the map for specifically the player that captured the structure.
MP houses can be used for trigger events? I remember that it isn't possible.
Or have TS Client some hack for it?
Bittah Commander wrote:
Even if you do that, there's no event to identify which player captured/entered the structure (Iran's Spawn# houses don't work with events), which means you still can't reveal the map for specifically the player that captured the structure.
Yeah theres alot more possible now, you can go nuts! But yeah reveal map doesnt work for a single player, my workaround is an invisible team that scouts or that gets a crate (modded to reveal only)
You can also do fun stuff with these:
Building exist (you can make a repeating teamtype with freeunit, or a teamtype as superweapon, or timer, or activate ionstorm etc..)
Builds type.. (you can start anything, an alert or start a timer etc..)
Units destroyed ( u can make a player lose money with (new) trigger give credits, or make your team get credits with every kill, i would use a column editor like np++ for that lol)
Entered by.. (you can make a Domination map or capture the flag)
Spied upon, you can now actually steal money, or make the spawn allie you 5 seconds and unallie you with lol... havnt tried spied and thieved by yet tho, might not work.
I also made a nice td race map, the entered by spawn(finish line) gives u more tech lol
I do have maps with all of these examples which i guess i should post. So they do work. Can't think of more atm. Theres much more i like to try out too, its fun. QUICK_EDIT
Indeed, it makes things a lot easier now.
I remember that for my map it took me several days to make a trigger workaround to achieve "Entered by" event. Around 60-70 triggers to determine player and send free reinforcements.
I had to even draw scheme for myself to avoid being lost and easier bugfixing. QUICK_EDIT
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