Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:14 pm Post subject:
Music list for TSClient 5.46 TS/FS/Add-on music
Subject description: for "20 Play music theme..." Trigger/Action
I was working on a single player mission that will use added, custom music and got really frustrated that track numbers did not seem to match with what I see in theme.ini
Eventually I figured out how it can work.
Theme.ini includes all TS and FS music, this made me do some mistakes. The game seems to read FS music data from theme01.ini
Here is what I did:
deleted all numbers after 21=IONSTORM. This is where TS list ends. Also deleted individual Theme data for these. Relax, you have these in theme01.ini and that is where they belong anyway. Updated theme01.ini so the numbers start with 22 and not with 23.
Now, the number you see in the ini files is the exact number you have to use in the Trigger/Action to play a specific theme during a mission.
This can play tracks not available to play via the in-game music menu and ignores if a track is side (GDI, NOD) specific, it will play'em all.
Note: as of writing this post, TSClient did not have fsmap.aud and the fsmenu.aud is the same as the original TS intro. Playing track 22 will play nothing and playing track 30 will play the TS intro, not FS one. If you want to fix this, get the attached file first. Use Mix editor, open up Expand00.mix from the Mix directory, delete fsmenu.aud that is already there and put the 2 aud files you have in the zip. Done. Now all music play as they should.
00=INTRO ;Main Menu Theme
01=VALVES1B ;Valves
02=DUSKHOUR ;Dusk Hour
03=FLURRY ;Flurry
04=MUTANTS ;Mutants
05=APPROACH ;Approach
06=GLOOM ;Gloom
07=INFRARED ;Infrared
08=MADRAP ;Mad Rap
09=REDSKY ;Red Sky
10=STORM ;Ion Storm
11=TIMEBOMB ;Time Bomb
12=WHATLURK ;What Lurks
13=DEFENSE ;Defense
14=HEROISM ;Heroism
15=LONETROP ;Lone Troop
16=NODCRUSH ;Nod Crush
17=PHAROTEK ;Pharotek
18=SCOUT ;Scout
19=SCORE ;Score Screen
20=MAPS ;Map Selection
21=IONSTORM ;Ion Storm Ambient
22=FSMAP ;FS Map Selection
23=ELUSIVE ;Elusive
24=HACKER ;Hacker
25=INFILTRA ;Infiltration
26=LINKUP ;Link Up
27=KMACHINE ;Killing Machine
28=RAINNITE ;Rain in the night (Part 2)
29=SLAVESYS ;Slave to the system
30=FSMENU ;FS Main Menu Theme
31=DMACHINE ;Deploy Machines
But, this is what we had in theme.ini originally, right? What's all this fuss about? Well, as theme.ini included everything, I started to add my custom music at the end of the list as it seemed logical. 32, 33 and so on. This resulted in 2 issues: track 32 never showed in the in-game music menu and FS and new track numbers where all over the place, they did not match with the numbers in theme.ini
The solution is to strictly add new music in theme01.ini, after the FS tracks (with above updated numbers). That way the number you see in theme01.ini is going to be the same you have to use for the trigger/action in your map, for TS, FS and custom music as well.
Unless you want to remove/update original TS music, don't touch theme.ini at all. Copy lines 00-21 into theme01.ini with a ";" in front of them so they are just comments in case you want the full list in one single file. Only put additional music via theme01.ini, after the FS lines.
I hope I have saved you the time I invested in this to figure it out. I was looking for a tutorial on this here, but it's either does not exist or I am too dumb to find it. Anyway, it's here now.
Game makes internal list which is 0-based. It reads theme.ini and then theme01.ini, discarding any duplicates in index or value in either of the files. If any index is same in theme01.ini that is already used in theme.ini, then earlier theme.ini entry is removed and the new entry from theme01.ini is appended to the list. This internal list is used for map action 20. As TSClient already has all music listed in theme.ini itself, I guess an empty listed theme01.ini could be used or even it could be deleted if there are no file loading problems.
If you added music with index 33, 34 etc. to the end of the list in theme.ini of TSClient, then those should show up in the middle, after original theme.ini entries and before the newly appended theme01.ini entries which have same index numbers as in theme.ini. 32 is present in theme01.ini, so it won't show up.
TSClient probably left out those 2 aud files as it has its own menu and music file. Those could be included. QUICK_EDIT
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