As the title suggests, I'm trying to figure out how the AI repairs a bridge on its own in single player missions.
I have succeeded so far - but there is a negative side effect:
After the bridge has been repaired, it is immediately reported as destroyed again and thus the AI has an endless loop of repair squads trying to repair an already intact bridge.
In this experiment I worked with variables (locals). But even activating/deactivating triggers without locals did not provide a solution.

And I probably can't leave it out because otherwise the game wouldn't know if the bridge was destroyed. And I don't understand why this cell reports the bridge as destroyed...

- Even a freshly installed TS/FS (v2.03) without mods leads to the same problem when I put this repair-trigger thing in a single player map.
- copied online tutorial of 2012
- copied triggers from original missions by WW, but it doesn't seem to work properly there either
- using original FinalSun Editor (v1.01)
- Win 10
I'm trying to figure out a lot of things myself, but I don't think it will work this time. Therefore I need your help!